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Teamhrach Blue Pearl

Born: 19|01|2018

Sky's beautiful baby blue was the second to leave us.

Margot's lovely new family are Edd, Deb and Ella Parry, who live near the Forest of Dean.  Deb managed to leave here with shoe laces which were slightly less white and pristine than when she arrived!  We love the fact that she found it funny.


Margot apparently spent the entire journey home being cuddled by Ella.  It was a tough job, but someone had to do it!  We get the impression that Margot is going to have plenty more hugs and a whole lot of fun too.  We look forward to hearing all about her new adventures.

She has already bravely conquered her toy crocodile!

Exquisite...precious... rare and blue...

We must also mention that on the journey over to us, Deb had messaged Sara Cox at BBC Radio 2 to tell her they were buying a Glen of Imaal terrier puppy.  Coxy looked up the breed and then described them, on air, as '...something like a Lurcher that has been put on a hot wash...'  We would take offence, if it wasn't true!

We gather that Margot is very much at home and part of the family now.  She has already volunteered her services with the housework, proving my theory that Glens are very helpful.  Although her sweeping technique requires some practice, she did manage to skillfully move the broom from one room to another! 


Margot also now has a smart collar and lead and has enjoyed two outings in the big, wide world.  Naturally, she took it all in her stride!

Margot has been a busy bee, with a packed diary full of walks, sightseeing and puppy parties!  She has enjoyed meeting many new dogs and their humans.  And Margot's assistance with the decking has also proved invaluable, as Edd can testify!  


As well as family walks amongst the bluebells, Margot has ventured into the buzzing metropolis, with a stroll around Chiswick Park.  Margot has also been to see the poppies at Hereford Cathedral.  Up next: camping!

We were thrilled to hear all about Margot's latest adventures recently!  She has certainly enjoyed a fun-filled summer.  What a relief to know that she has inherited her Mother's photogenic looks and smarts!  Margot sailed through her Kennel Club Bronze test; and was one of only two in the entire class to PASS FIRST TIME!  All this after a mere six weeks of training.  

Margot loves her weekly wander with BFF, Ruby.  She experienced camping in a tent with the family for the first time; and happily splashed about in the River Wye - after some encouragement!  Like most Glens, Margot really appreciated the close proximity to her pack and having everyone together in one place.

I have struggled to choose just a few photos.  We find them all slightly surreal, as Margot reminds us so much of Sky!  We particularly love her fashion shoot and expect to see her adorning the cover of Vogue next month!  She totally rocks that chic bandana and cool summer shades.

Japanese Papers
Japanese Papers
Japanese Papers
Japanese Papers
Japanese Papers

Model:  Margot

Stylist:  Ella Parry

Fashion:  House of Ella

Hair:  Model's own

Margot sent us the most beautiful card to celebrate her first birthday.  Such a clever, thoughtful little dog!  We got all emotional and swollen with pride, so we did.  She has also recently discovered SNOW...and loves it!  We love Margot's super-stylish coat with its block print design.  Pretty in pink and bang on-trend.  Not that she needs any help with standing out from the crowd!

CARD January 2019.jpg

Beautiful Margot enjoyed a wonderful Family Day Out recently, at stunning Pendine Sands.  She was in her element and had a whale of a time.  As she hurtled through all that surf and sand, we're sure that Margot was the epitome of poised elegance.  As her name implies!  Although Blue Pearl's top speed is probably a tad slower than The Blue Bird.


Big THANKS to Deb and the Parry family for some really gorgeous snaps.  I know I'm stuck on repeat here, but we continue to be captivated by how like her Mum Margot is.



We recently enjoyed the most wonderful reunion with beautiful Margot and her lovely family, Edd, Deb and Ella.  


We spent a jolly, sunshiny afternoon comparing notes and sharing those unique Glen moments.  Such as being the first and only Glen of Imaal terrier at Puppy Training, or at your vet.  And how walks often become a conversation starter, with people broadly falling into two camps: 


Those who know of the breed and are chuffed to meet one; and those who assume your Glen is a male rescue dog - 'Ah, is he really old?  What's he crossed with?'  Indeed, Deb has craftily pre-empted this hurtful misconception with a pretty pink floral collar for Margot.  It coordinates beautifully with her extensive harness collection, in a range of pink and plum.  We do feel slightly offended on her behalf, though.  Especially as she is so gorgeous and graceful.  I shall not be taking letters on the subject.

Yes, we are a smidge biased.  And we continue to be transfixed by how like Sky she is.  But Margot is most definitely the soppiest Soppy Date!  Gentle and affectionate, she brings happiness to every day in every way.  We just love to see how loved she is.  Margot enjoys nothing more than joining her family at the table - paws off, naturally.  She has impeccable table manners. 

Margot has completely nailed the Glen Sit, too.  Despite taking a tumble during her first attempt - we laughed with her, not at her FYI - she gamely persevered and we were amply rewarded. Margot did technically perform this magnificent feat twice, but I missed the first one with my camera.   

Unfortunately, this joyful reunion was not quite so harmonious from a doggy perspective.  Upon arrival, Clodagh immediately jumped on Margot and then Sky waded in enthusiastically.  We think poor Margot felt swamped by Glen overload.  Before we could could say 'Hello, how lovely to see you all again!', one dog snapped at the other and a proper donnybrook ensued between mother and daughter.  Blood was drawn and drinks were spilled.  In a pub garden.  All it needed was a Cèilidh band with some squiffy local crooning Danny Boy at the end.

Puzzling, unexpected and totally out of character for both dogs.  We can only assume that the canine equivalent of meeting your doppelganger must have unsettled them!  Still, we hope by the next time they meet, all will be forgiven and forgotten.  Some Glens have been known to bear a grudge, apparently.


©2017 - 2025 Teamhrach | JOANNA CAPON TAIT

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