Teamhrach Fintan
Born: 19|01|2018
Sky's beautiful baby boy was the fourth to leave us. He is exceptionally soft-natured and affectionate.
Fintan's lovely new family are Tim, Helen, Micah and Nathan from Kent. It was also Micah's tenth birthday, so a very exciting day indeed. The boys have been busy thinking up names for their new puppy, with Jeff being the current moniker of choice. So, Jeff is going to have fun playing football (or mouthball, as Glens prefer to call it) and going on adventures with the family. We think he might be getting a few cuddles along the way too.
We're really looking forward to keeping in touch and can't wait to hear how he is settling in.
Fintan: Irish
Fair-haired...white fire...

Well it looks like Jeff has had a busy day checking out his new home and garden. He has been very good so far, apart from trying to eat his bed, but that was probably because it is shaped like a donut! We look forward to hearing what else he gets up to!

Jeff has had an eventful first week by all accounts. An airborne paint pot (not his doing) left him with a blue beard; and we have had footie (mouthie) in the garden and cuddles with the boys. There has been a gift left on the doormat, but on the plus side young Jeff has produced an excellent and reassuringly firm poo, which was almost where it should have been. Good job, Jeff!

Helen is convinced that Jeff is actually half-terrier and half-teddy bear. We think that neatly sums up all Glens! We also love Jeff's smart new collar, and the fact that his chew toy matches his beard!

Jeff has been a busy boy! He thoroughly enjoyed his first puppy class and has made friends with dogs and their humans wherever he goes. No surprises there. Falling in love with a gregarious and rare Glen puppy is frankly inevitable, especially when they're as supercute as Jeff! He also enjoys his home-time and is displaying a tendency to hoard stuff which is oddly typical of the breed. We can all attest to finding bits of chewed stick, one elusive sock, the only TV remote; and other random objects hidden under our Glen's bed!


We love, love, love these recent photos of Jeff! His first Big Day Out in his whizzy new Roadster was an unmitigated success. Biking clearly runs deep in the DNA. It must be the Irish in him!
Another fun-filled day, as Jeff also enjoyed his first family BBQ. He managed not to steal the sausages or hide the Ketchup under his bed. Go Jeff!

I knew it! We really do have a Glen with a genius-level IQ! Clever Jeff has pretty much mastered The Glen Sit! We noticed him do it back in the puppy pen. Huge kudos to Helen and family for training him so well and continuing a proper Glen tradition, which they have dubbed 'The Glennie'. Gold star for Jeff!

Not content with being King of The Glennie, Jeff has also now conquered his own Welsh mountain; and has passed his puppy class with flying colours! Is there no end to Genius Jeff's talents?

Overachiever Jeff has been enjoying some downtime with the family. Where better to relax in a heatwave than the beach? He had a brilliant First Day Out At The Seaside recently and even managed to get his paws wet! A beautiful portrait of Jeff at six months old by Helen. Gorgeous bear.

We loved catching up with Jeff and family recently, at Eaton Park in Norwich. Check out the latest Pupdates for more photos from the day! Jeff enjoyed his reunion with Sky and Clodagh. At nearly seven months old, he is now inclined to become more intimately acquainted with anything that moves - not his fault - but Sky soon told him that his advances were unwelcome!
Helen has done such a good job at training Jeff, we think she deserves her own star!

Jeff has enjoyed his first summer. He holidayed with friends whilst the family went away and had a wonderful time with best buddy Rufus.
Jeff's toys have fared less well, and the smaller Kong® balls have turned out not to be so Glen-proof after all! We recommend the large Kong® elephant, which is apparently designed to cope with inevitable destruction and has a chewable skeleton.

Wish You Were Here! Love Jeff

Jeff enjoyed his first Christmas with the family! A valued member of the tribe, he now assists Helen with child-minding duties. Jeff has also managed to beat the January blues, and loved his recent break at Ruffles Dogs. Some gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous bear at nearly one year old.

How wonderful to receive an update from Jeff - with a little help from Helen! Quite a year by all accounts, with plenty of fun and play. No prizes for guessing that Jeff is a complete natural at Agility! Glens are eager to please and surprisingly agile - just as long as those jumps are low enough to accommodate their front-heavy stature. Well done to Helen too for having the energy to give it a go!
Jeff enjoyed his family break in Yorkshire recently. He bravely negotiated a gushing torrent and escorted pack members safely through a river. Jeff also had a whale of a time at the Spotty Dog Boarding Kennels. He managed to do some serious socialising with the other residents. Sadly, like his siblings and his Mother, the enthusiastic desire to befriend a cat remains largely unfulfilled. He loves horses though. Most Glens do!
Jeff also took a trip to Greenwich and sensibly opted for the Roadster to enjoy some sightseeing in the Big Smoke.
It just warms our hearts to hear that Jeff is a valued and much-loved member of the family. Thanks to Helen for sharing these fabulous photos: