And a cheery hello for all the new arrivals on our Waiting List.
If you have emailed me in the past six months:
Don't worry, you are on the list. I am not ignoring you. My reply is slowly winging its way in your general direction. Carried in the beak of a migrating bird, it probably hovers somewhere over the wetlands of Norfolk. There is no rush. We run on Glen time.
We also thank our lovely followers for your company this year. What a pleasure it has been to share the Glen love with you. We're immensely grateful for your feedback and encouragement.
Massive love and THANKS too, for Team Tara Our small Glen family gradually expands. We've enjoyed all your Pupdates and photos. And we're thrilled to see how happy and loved the puppies are.
A big shout out to Eilish, Millie and Twix in beautiful County Monaghan, Ireland. Something to warm your heart and insulate your soul from winter's chill:
A tall tale to tell, from County Monaghan. About a short wee doggy. Part Gypsy. Part Glen. With the bark of a hound and the face of a Cairn, he was sturdy and cute; and quick to learn.
He wandered 'twix and 'tween, as nomads do. From town to the shores of Lough Muckno. He dined on kindness and sausages; the village kept him safe. Eager children fed him sandwiches at the school gates.
Poor Twix seemed destined to forever roam. Until he found Eilish and Millie - his forever home! Twelve years young, Twix now wears a tracker. But he doesn’t venture far, with such a loving family to come back to.

All the leaves are brown. And Sky is grey.
Summer is so last season! It's been quite a year, with the promise of more fun to come. Now that Clodagh's beautiful puppies are settled in their forever homes, we can enjoy basking in the reflected happiness they bring.
The void they leave behind is filled by our own precious new arrival. Like many of the patient, Glen-loving folk on our Waiting List, we spent years dreaming of a homebred, brindle or blue female to join our family. Florence is just delightful and we're over the moon. Clodagh's baby and Sky's star.
Clodagh and Sky both welcome the return to a new normal!
Speaking of which - for those seeking a dog-friendly hotel break - check out the Bike and Boot in Scarborough. The hotel claims to have more front than the town itself, with the breathtaking Yorkshire Coast on its doorstep! They also offer a dog-grooming service. Sounds marvellous.
Thanks to Kathy George for the terrific photo of Bertie AKA Teamhrach Rock Steady Beat at Romainville. Sky's boy has grown into the most gorgeous, ginormous teddy bear. What an absolute rock star.
CONGRATULATIONS to Wendy Tobijanski and Ch Romainville Becks Blue For Zippor. As the prefixed name suggests, he has just become a Ch for Champion! The Fab Four are super proud of their handsome daddy.
If you are interested in a Glen puppy, please read here. Thanks to all of you who have emailed. I'm sorry if I've not replied yet - I'm working my way through the Inbox in chronological order.
I'll keep you all Pupdated, with plenty of photos.


Sky is delighted to announce that she has just become a grandma!
Her clever daughter Clodagh has delivered a perfect and precious first litter in the wee small hours. We are beyond elated.
In order of arrival: one brindle girl, one brindle boy, one wheaten boy; and one blue boy. They grow bigger by the minute. I'm keeping them all!
Clodagh has been extraordinary. She is such a wonderful mum; so gentle and attentive. I am in awe. She looks beautiful too. Motherhood suits her.

If you are UK based and already on our Waiting List: You should have received an email. I may have committed a clerical error - not for the first time - so if one hasn't found its way to your Inbox yet, please email to let me know if you are still interested in a puppy.
If you are not UK based and already on our Waiting List: I am about to email you. I'm sorry we are only able to accommodate UK-mainland based interest for now.
We are reasonably confident that our beautiful and brilliant homegrown Clodagh is expecting her first litter. Due in about one week's time. All being well. She really does look blooming marvellous!
Of course, Mother Nature is in the driving seat. As previously stated, there are no guarantees as to litter size, colour or gender. We are both cautiously upbeat.
I have just about managed to contain my own excitement and am busy nesting on Clodagh's behalf. The Puppy Pen has been reinstalled; and an homage to the leaning tower of Pisa, constructed entirely from freshly laundered towels. A supersoft puppy blanket and some teething toys have also been optimistically acquired.


And the birds are singing!
Hello lovely people and WELCOME new Waiting List dwellers!
I'm sure you'll be thrilled to hear that Clodagh finally discovered snow last month, at three years old. Some things are most definitely worth the wait - rather like Glen of Imaal terriers!
Sky and Clodagh continue to win hearts and minds on their daily meanders. Whilst they both enjoyed the proper white stuff, neither is impressed with the incessant drizzle-mist we currently endure. Many Glens are curiously reluctant to venture out in the rain. Possibly not the most useful trait, for an Irish working dog!
Speaking of the Emerald Isle: HAPPY ST PADDY'S DAY for 17 March! Glens were first acknowledged as a breed by the GADHARCHUMANN NA hÉIREANN in 1934, at the Dublin St Patrick's Day Show.
Good to see Buster celebrating his Irish ancestry in style. Thanks a million to Tina for the fabulous photos. And lovely to see Buster and BFF Burt still enjoying their walks together. Hope you all managed to cèilidh the day away!


©Emma Thomson 2016

Many happy returns to Sky's Magnificent Seven!
Where to begin? There is so much to celebrate.
Working on the assumption that a picture speaks a thousand words, we enjoyed reminiscing whilst compiling the gallery below. A tough job, but someone had to do it! Team Tara have provided us with an embarrassment of riches over the past three years. We are quite literally spoilt for choice.
The adventure began at the end of November 2017, when Sky met Rock Buster at Romainville. Exactly two months later, we watched through a haze of happy tears as Sky gently cradled her first born - Teagan.
We only realise now just how lucky we were. There were no issues or complications. Eight precious puppies arrived with apparent ease. Delivery was evenly spaced, so Sky could welcome each one into the world with tender love and care. Their arrival took the best part of a day.
We still think about the large male brindle who was sadly smothered at three days old, and wonder at the beautiful dog he would have been.
When the time came for the puppies to leave us, we were upset to see them go. I wished we could have kept them all. They each have their own unique personality and they are all wonderful ambassadors for the breed. We're extremely grateful they went to loving homes and bring joy to so many. And we are especially chuffed to be part of their lives from afar.
Of course, the journey really started in September 2014, when we first met Sky, our extraordinary Glen of Imaal terrier. That magical walk at Laytown in the late Autumn sun, whilst the horses raced on the beach. We walked on air. I could not believe she was really ours. A sense of exhilarated disbelief lingers to this day. She is perfection on four paws.
Today is slightly bittersweet, as we know Sky will not be having another litter. She was such a wonderful mum - and her Magnificent Seven really are MAGNIFICENT! They are the gift that keeps on giving. Clever Bertie has already continued the line by breeding. And we are very keen to breed with Clodagh too. Perhaps later this year. I'll keep you posted!
Sky says: 'My work here is done'. But ours continues.


Good riddance to 2020! We hope 2021 is a vast improvement. I'm reluctant to tempt fate and say it couldn't get much worse. Massive THANKS to Team Tara for making us smile, in a year that brought very little to smile about.
Sky and Clodagh would also like to convey a big THANK YOU for all your messages over the festive season. I'm currently in the process of replying, but our Puppies page should answer some of your questions.
Because most Waiting Lists have an emphasis on the first syllable, we recommend being on a few. The EFG and GOITA (the Glen of Imaal Terrier Association) are a good place to start.
How wonderful to hear from Buster! He has been enjoying the proper white stuff with his usual enthusiasm. Clodagh is very envious, having yet to experience the joy of snow. Hard to believe they will both be turning three later this month, along with their brothers and sisters!
I'll keep you updated with our future puppy plans.