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Just a quick one to wish you all a happy St Patrick's Day!   The Glen of Imaal terrier was first acknowledged as a breed in 1934 by the Irish Kennel Club, at the Dublin St Patrick's Day Show.  So cèilidh the day away, folks!

Thanks to Tina for pointing us in the direction of this fabulous website, choc-full of lovely Glen stuff:  Sara England Designs are based in the US and offer a range of quality prints and original gift ideas.  We should also mention The Crafty Giraffe - another Tina recommendation!  Based here in the UK, they produce beautiful wooden decorative Glens, among other breeds!  Very reasonably priced too.




















No proper puppy news yet I'm afraid - but watch this space!  Sky and The Blonde are both full of the joys of Spring - check out the latest Pupdates if you don't believe me!  Margot recently discovered snow - and loved it!  And Buster continues to make us smile!

We're glad to hear that some Glens made it to Crufts this year!  Congratulations to everyone who took part, and their gorgeous dogs.  Sadly, the single-figure entry numbers for each class speak volumes.  


Jean at the EFG also has the results and some nice photos.  




jo capon

March 2019 - Norfolk, UK

©SaraEnglandDesigns |


Happy 2019!  And HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to the first Tara Glens on 19 January!  We're incredibly proud of them all.  Each beautiful puppy is wonderfully unique and we celebrate their individuality.  We're fascinated and thrilled to see how they grow.  Most importantly for us: they all seem happy and are an intrinsic part of their own family.  We can't thank Team Tara enough for keeping us in the loop. 


Of course, it's not all been plain sailing.  Many gardens have been terrierised along the way!  A whirlwind of chaos swept across the country last year in more ways than one.  Unwanted holes now scar once immaculate lawns like acne.  Plants have been re-potted in typical Glen fashion - badly.  Dog-toys have been vigorously tested, footballs deflated; and furniture, indeed an entire patio, has been redesigned. 


And it transpires that even exceptional, extraordinary Glens occasionally suffer with selective hearing off-lead, just like their ordinary, run-of-the-mill counterparts.  Consistent, positive training - and bribery - is key. 


But the numerous highs were equally spectacular.  Sky's offspring have turned out to be a right bunch of gregarious overachievers!  Quietly charismatic and super smart, Glens really are intuitive, flexible; easy company.  And Jeff is a complete natural at The Glen Sit.  Young dog, old tricks!  All the puppies turn heads and captivate people wherever they go.


Clodagh does like to dig enormous holes in the garden when feeling bored and ignored, though.  A bit like The Great Escape, she always manages to dig between the two beams of outside light, thus creating a treacherous trip hazard in the only blind-spot at night.  Never mind Steve McQueen; they should have used three Glens to tunnel out instead.  Fortunately, Sky seems to have outgrown that particular urge.

I'll keep you posted about Sky's next planned litter.

jo capon

January 2019 - Norfolk, UK

©2017 - 2025 Teamhrach | JOANNA CAPON TAIT

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