Happy Summer! Blissfully oblivious to the fevered anticipation surrounding her next litter, Sky has decided to keep us all waiting and opted not to come in season - yet! Clearly, the collective burden of expectation does not weigh heavy on those broad Glen shoulders. We are reassured that she is fit and healthy. And so we must wait...
Both Sky and Clodagh are enjoying their summer, and have kindly posed for a few summery snaps.
A massive WELL DONE to Team Buster for successfully completing their 10k March for Men last month! And huge thanks to Tina for the fabulous photos.
We're also thrilled to share the Show Critique for Rock Steady Beat, from his successful outing at the EFG back in April. I find that repeating every sentence out loud, with lingering emphasis on each lovely syllable, really does enhance the pure pleasure of reading it! Yep, we're just a teeny bit proud of him. Congratulations to Kathy George at Romainville for all her gorgeous Glens.
DIARY DATE: Don't forget one of the most important Glen events of the year! The EFG FUN DAY DOG SHOW on Saturday 20 July 2019 at Hedge Green Cottage, Blackjack Road, Swineshead, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 3HH | Eye testing will be provided between 09:30-16:00 on the day | Appointments arranged through Jean Rogers at EFG: 01205 820791.
jo capon
July 2019 - Norfolk, UK

20 July 2019

We wanted to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Team Buster! Tina, Martin and Buster are currently in training for a 10k charity walk to raise money for prostate cancer. The Bristol March for Men takes place on 1st June 2019 - Dogs and humans welcome!
Buster's first 4-miler last weekend left him zonked out on the sofa. He even slept through 101 Dalmations! We wish them the best of British and can't wait to hear how they get on. Go Team Buster!
Sky celebrated her fifth birthday on 2nd May. At risk of sounding stuck on repeat, she has blossomed into an absolutely beautiful dog. Glens really are slow to mature! Sky has mellowed like a fine Irish single malt. But she still enjoys her puppy moments, with silly games of chase and rough and tumble. She continues to mother Clodagh, and will even selflessly relinquish her most treasured possessions (Pete's old boot, a chew-bone; a tatty reclaimed ball from the local park), to help keep the peace.
No puppy news yet, folks...but watch this space! Check out the latest Pupdates for recent photos. We do have some exciting news about another tentatively planned Glen-litter! Sky's boy has grown up!
jo capon
May 2019 - Norfolk, UK