Sky and Clodagh are both enjoying the early spring sunshine! We welcome the longer days and mild weather.
Having just turned two, poor Clode will have to wait another year to experience the joy of snow. I feel almost guilty that she has been denied the proper white stuff once again. Such a deprived puppyhood!

A wonderful walk in sunny Suffolk recently, which blew the cobwebs away. Sky and Clodagh loved exploring Gunton Warren, with their usual intrepid enthusiasm.
Apologies for some fuzzy photos - all thanks to an ancient mobile phone!
Greetings lovely Glen lovers! Spring is most definitely in the air.
In the spirit of optimistic forward-thinking, we have reluctantly succumbed to cropping Sky's beautiful blue locks. Her coat is rapidly regrowing, but we have a summer litter in mind, all being well. A clipped coat will be more comfortable for her. She has just come into season, you see...
And in the spirit of BOGOF, we opted to give poor Clodagh a bruiser haircut too. We will grow most of her coat out again, as we are rather fond of that cuddly teddy bear look. She is less hirsute, but still super cute.
Massive THANKS to all of you for your emails and your interest in Sky. I promise to keep everyone on the Waiting List updated with her progress. Of course, we are not in the driving seat. Mother Nature is!

Well, we’ve had quite a weekend of it. Sky's boyfriend came to stay with us!
Thankfully, love at first sight was mutual and the two love birds only had eyes for each other. They frolicked happily in the garden together for hours. Sky was just magnificent throughout; so beautiful and confident. She pranced flirtatiously in the spring sunshine and presented herself as if to say ‘Yes, I know I’m gorgeous.’ I could swear that she coquettishly fluttered her long eyelashes in his general direction.
Boyfriend was understandably smitten. Having gained the approval of his prospective in-laws, he promptly whisked Sky away for a romantic mini-break. Nice touch. The whole encounter is best imagined with Jane and Serge’s amorous Je t’aime as the soundtrack. Just hope this doesn't end with me warbling Non, je ne regrette rien, puffing morosely on a Gitaines with one too many Pernods onboard.
Everything crossed that Mother’s Day was an apt date for their coupling. Watch this space…more information to come - and photos - all being well.
With three a crowd and unable to play gooseberry, Clodagh had to endure her own form of self-isolation for a while. By which I mean she was slightly less free-range than normal, until our lovely soft-natured house guest with impeccable manners had left. Being a gregarious Glen, Clodagh experienced FOMO big time. An enormous chewy treat could only placate her for so long.

How are we all doing? THANK YOU so much for your kind messages. I remain high risk and we are effectively locked-down for the foreseeable. I'll keep you all posted with any NEWS.
Sky is looking GOOD. After last year, we are cautiously optimistic. It's still a little too early to tell for sure. But she looks...good. Photographic evidence below.
Meanwhile, Buster has been keeping us entertained from afar! BIG THANKS to Tina for these recent photos. We send positive thoughts to all our Glen friends.

Hello Folks.
I'm sorry we have disappointing news: Sky is NOT pregnant.
We were encouraged by the excellent mating, which took place over three days under the expert eye of a renowned Glen breeder. Sky appears in rude health and is once again oblivious to the collective weight of expectation. Still, we shall have her thoroughly checked over as soon as we can.
Sky's physique has changed since her first litter, so it has been difficult to say for sure one way or the other. She also displayed many of the signs of pregnancy, including swollen, lactating teats. We had to assume that we were simply expecting a smaller litter. Sadly, this was not the case.
We have spoken with several breeders who confirm that Glens do have form at faking it. I remain convinced that this is rooted in their innate desire to please us!
We are both still very keen to continue our small venture. We hope that next year will bring an addition to our family. And Clodagh continues to blossom into a beautiful, soft-natured dog.
We'll keep the website updated and let you know our future puppy plans.

Same landscape, different day! Whilst Sky and Clodagh have enjoyed some walks further afield with Pete, we've still not managed to make it to the beach en famille.
Like many high-riskies, I'm emerging from the lockdown like a hesitant hedgehog. Clearly, five months of hibernation has taken its toll, if these latest photos are anything to go by!
Sky and Clodagh both failed spectacularly at posing together for the camera, despite being bribed with copious treats. There's no pulling the wool over their eyes. A proper beach beckons!

Sky and Clodagh had a short-back-and-sides in the nick of time. Their clipped coats have helped to keep them cool during a tropical heatwave. We've been enjoying our paddles in the Broads and making friends at the beach - photos promised before the end of the month!
Clodagh's daily patrol of the garden has alerted us to several mouse nests. We're both fascinated by one cute and cocky field mouse in particular. I'm flattered he thinks my garden is a field! Clodagh also fancies herself as a cricket hunter, with limited success.
We know of many other Glens who make excellent pest-controllers. Unwanted long-tails are dispatched with all the constraint and compassion of a hungry cheetah eyeing up a fat gazelle. As are frogs, apparently. Poor Kermit...croaked...
Seriously though, we would have loved one of Sky's first litter to be a working dog. But no one approached us for a puppy. Glen of Imaal terriers are uniquely suited to the task. They are knee-deep-in-mud tenacious and have an innate desire to please you; to be useful. Five hundred years of socialising with humans must count for something!
BIG THANKS to Tina for these fantastic photos of Buster's happy hunting, messing about in the river. I think he must have built a dam with all that digging. Knee-deep-in-mud tenacious. Just how we like it. Dam Buster!

Sky and Clodagh have enjoyed a hectic social life of late. Just the tonic after seven months of unsociable isolation. We were chuffed to see good friends and have a proper natter - albeit socially-distanced. The dogs had no such qualms, and both appreciated the extra cuddles and affection!
As promised, we have BEACH PHOTOS from a REAL BEACH! We spent a wonderful afternoon recently with "Auntie" Nicki and "Uncle" Richard, who fancied a seaside break on the East Coast. Mutley was very sadly missed, especially by Sky. It was so enjoyable to chat for hours about all things Glennie.
Both girls are keeping well. We expect Sky to come into season soon.

We recently enjoyed the most wonderful reunion with beautiful Margot and her lovely family, Edd, Deb and Ella.
We spent a jolly, sunshiny afternoon comparing notes and sharing those unique Glen moments. Such as being the first and only Glen of Imaal terrier at Puppy Training, or at your vet. And how walks often become a conversation starter, with people broadly falling into two camps:
Those who know of the breed and are chuffed to meet one; and those who assume your Glen is a male rescue dog - 'Ah, is he really old? What's he crossed with?' Indeed, Deb has craftily pre-empted this hurtful misconception with a pretty pink floral collar for Margot. It coordinates beautifully with her extensive harness collection, in a range of pink and plum. We do feel slightly offended on her behalf, though. Especially as she is so gorgeous and graceful. I shall not be taking letters on the subject.
Yes, we are a smidge biased. And we continue to be transfixed by how like Sky she is. But Margot is most definitely the soppiest Soppy Date! Gentle and affectionate, she brings happiness to every day in every way. We just love to see how loved she is. Margot enjoys nothing more than joining her family at the table - paws off, naturally. She has impeccable table manners.
Margot has completely nailed the Glen Sit, too. Despite taking a tumble during her first attempt - we laughed with her, not at her FYI - she gamely persevered and we were amply rewarded. Margot did technically perform this magnificent feat twice, but I missed the first one with my camera.
Unfortunately, this joyful reunion was not quite so harmonious from a doggy perspective. Upon arrival, Clodagh immediately jumped on Margot and then Sky waded in enthusiastically. We think poor Margot felt swamped by Glen overload. Before we could could say 'Hello, how lovely to see you all again!', one dog snapped at the other and a proper donnybrook ensued between mother and daughter. Blood was drawn and drinks were spilled. In a pub garden. All it needed was a Cèilidh band with some squiffy local crooning Danny Boy at the end.
Puzzling, unexpected and totally out of character for both dogs. We can only assume that the canine equivalent of meeting your doppelganger must have unsettled them! Still, we hope by the next time they meet, all will be forgiven and forgotten. Some Glens have been known to bear a grudge, apparently.

Sky and Clodagh have just returned from a day-trip to the ISLE OF MAN. The visit was for a sad reason, but we still managed to enjoy a walk in Union Mills. And we all loved beautiful Lancashire.
Sky and Clodagh were good as gold throughout, despite long hours spent in the car and on the ferry. They had some quality time with their cousins, Bailey and Jasper, although Sky managed to demolish their giant Kong tennis ball in about 30 seconds!
BIG THANKS to the friendly, caring folk on the Ben-my-Chree, who got us there and back with their usual cheery wit and warmth. And those cabins were spotless!

Whichever way you throw us, we stand